
Merging Salesforce orgs is a complex and strategic process that many organizations face as they grow, acquire new companies, or streamline operations. While the potential benefits—such as unified data, enhanced collaboration, and reduced operational costs—are significant, the journey to a successful merge is fraught with challenges. This article delves into the best practices for navigating Salesforce org merges and highlights common pitfalls to avoid.

Understanding the Need for a Salesforce Org Merge

Before diving into the merge process, it’s crucial to clearly understand why the merge is necessary. Common reasons include:

  • Company Acquisitions: Merging orgs post-acquisition to unify customer data and processes.
  • Streamlining Operations: Reducing the complexity of managing multiple Salesforce orgs across departments or business units.
  • Improving Data Visibility: Centralizing data to enhance reporting and decision-making.

Identifying the specific goals of the merge will guide the entire process, ensuring that all actions are aligned with achieving the desired outcomes.

Best Practices for a Successful Salesforce Org Merge
1. Thorough Pre-Merge Assessment
  • Inventory Your Orgs: Conduct a detailed inventory of all objects, data, processes, and customizations in each org. Identify overlaps, redundancies, and unique features that must be preserved.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: Engage key stakeholders from all affected departments to gather insights and ensure that all business needs are considered.
  • Data Quality Audit: Assess the quality of data in each org, identifying duplicates, incomplete records, and outdated information. Plan for data cleansing as part of the merge process.
2. Clear and Detailed Planning
  • Create a Roadmap: Develop a detailed project plan that outlines each phase of the merge, from pre-merge activities to post-merge optimization. Include timelines, resource allocations, and risk management strategies.
  • Define Success Metrics: Establish clear metrics to measure the success of the merge, such as data accuracy, system performance, and user adoption rates.
3. Data Migration Strategy
  • Choose the Right Tools: Select robust data migration tools that can handle the volume and complexity of your data. Tools like Salesforce Data Loader, MuleSoft, and third-party solutions can facilitate the process.
  • Test, Test, Test: Conduct multiple test migrations to ensure that data is transferred accurately and that customizations and integrations function as expected in the new environment.
4. User Training and Change Management
  • Communicate Early and Often: Keep users informed throughout the process, explaining the reasons for the merge and how it will benefit them.
  • Provide Training: Offer training sessions tailored to different user groups to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruption to daily operations.
5. Post-Merge Optimization
  • Monitor and Optimize: After the merge, continuously monitor system performance, data integrity, and user feedback. Be prepared to make adjustments to address any issues that arise.
  • Leverage Unified Data: Use the newly merged data to enhance reporting, analytics, and business processes, driving more informed decision-making across the organization.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
1. Underestimating the Complexity of the Merge

Merging Salesforce orgs is a complex task that often involves significant data migration, process reengineering, and change management. Underestimating the effort required can lead to missed deadlines, budget overruns, and system disruptions.

2. Inadequate Data Cleansing

Failing to clean and deduplicate data before the merge can result in a new org filled with inaccurate and redundant information. This can undermine the benefits of the merge and create long-term data management challenges.

3. Ignoring User Adoption

Even the most technically successful merge can fail if users are not on board. Neglecting user training and change management can lead to low adoption rates, decreased productivity, and resistance to the new system.

4. Overlooking Security and Compliance

Merging orgs can expose security vulnerabilities if not carefully managed. Ensure that all data security and compliance requirements are met throughout the process, especially when dealing with sensitive customer information.

5. Failing to Plan for Post-Merge Support

The work doesn’t end when the merge is complete. Ongoing support and optimization are essential to address any issues that arise and to fully realize the benefits of the merge.


Merging Salesforce orgs is a strategic move that can deliver significant benefits to an organization, but it requires careful planning, execution, and follow-up. By following best practices—such as conducting thorough assessments, planning meticulously, and managing change effectively—you can navigate the complexities of an org merge and avoid common pitfalls. With the right approach, your organization can emerge from the merge stronger, more efficient, and better equipped to leverage the full power of Salesforce.

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